We are pleased to announce that we have just been awarded the sole UK & Ireland Sales and Service centre for Italy's number one ELV / ATF vehicle depollution manufacturer, namely Iris-Mec". The vast product range includes static depollution rigs, tiltling dismantling rigs, fuel and fluid drainage systems, LPG gas recovery units, air bag deployment tool, storage containers, tyre and wheel crushers, windscreen glass cutters, cat cutters and pump assembly to name but a few !
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Cat Cutters
Holmatro hydraulic cutters are used in ELV (End of life vehicle) or ATF (Authorised Treatment Facility) to assist in the de-pollution of end of life vehicles. The range cutters safely, cleanly and quickly remove catalytic converters without the use of hot cutting in a zone 2 environment. Larger models can also be used to cut engine mountings, door frames and door pillars, A and B Posts, hollow drive shafts Etc.